






The problem of that person's plagiarism
quoting without permission, setting fires without permission, starting without permission, exacerbating problems without permission,
I feel like I can't back down and get frustrated, and it's like I'm getting more involved in that, so I shouldn't have quoted it from the beginning.
It feels like the misfortune of being liked by people who don't have common sense even if they say "love" or "because I love you".
Even if I explain my preferences, it's not a problem... I'm doing nostalgic Internet manners now, not to cause trouble, not to confuse public and private matters, to understand that people who use websites have their own lives. A few years ago, there was a low-level quarrel, such as arguing if I said something about the renewal, I would have to pay for it. I'm saying that I don't have the right to restrict my hobbies more than I want money. I don't know "because I like you". I haven't heard that.
If you apply or talk, will you quit the site? Disturbing comments, no, no excuses.
Summing it up superficially like this, I wonder if it feels like a heavy landmine girl.
might be an uncle.


